Monday 2 April 2012

The Great days~!

Last week, we had Play and Music Fest. We had a Play Fest on Monday; Our name of play is A-trium : table of authors.  All of actors and actresses would might feel nervous. Main characters probably felt more nervous than me and I don’t remember what happened while we performed. However, there were not many people than what I expected, but it was so interesting! My first acting was not good, but I can’t forget. The strongest part is when we acted as well and lower grades’ performances were also nice. Actually, whenever we practiced, I didn't want to practice, because I was not really good in acting……^^, but I missed that time we practiced, because we have to study now..  I couldn’t see Grade9’s play…… Next day, we had a Music Fest. There were also many performances. It was good. When  sibling played violin, cello, guitar, and saxophone, they really looked nice! I can not forget those performances. And my housemates' performances were also good. Tyler and Henry were cute, but Tom was little.... haha.  Those who danced and sang K-POP were also good.
The Music Fest was also really nice!

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